Welcome to Quantum Mechanics - the science of very small and invisible world! Curiosity killed the cat, but not yet in the quantum world. We humans have been very curious to explore the world since our distant ancestors came down from the trees and began to roam around. Even though we’ve been much more curious to explore the quantum world over the last 100 years, we still don’t know whether Schrodinger’s cat is alive or dead. We need more 'curiosity' to clearly determine whether the cat is alive or dead.
This is a collection of open lectures on Quantum Mechanics from educational institutions around the world. This will be a guide for the quantum world explorers who want to have conversations with Max Planck, Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, Werner Heisenberg, Erwin Schrodinger, Paul Dirac, and Richard Feynman.
Introductory lectures on quantum mechanics by Prof. Ramamurti Shankar. Key experiments and wave-particle duality; Measurement theory, states of definite energy; Particle in a box; Time-dependent Schrodinger Equation; Summary of postulates and special topics.
2) Quantum Physics I (MIT OCW)
This course covers the experimental basis of quantum physics. It introduces wave mechanics, Schrodinger's equation in a single dimension, and Schrodinger's equation in three dimensions.
3) Quantum Physics II (MIT OCW)
This course covers quantum physics with applications drawn from modern physics: the general formalism of quantum mechanics, harmonic oscillator, quantum mechanics in three-dimensions, angular momentum, spin, and addition of angular momentum.
4) Quantum Mechanics (Stanford Univ.)
Prof. Leonard Susskind explores the quantum world, including the particle theory of light, the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, and the Schrodinger Equation.
5) Advanced Quantum Mechanics (Stanford Univ.)
Taught by Professor Leonard Susskind, this course will explore the various types of quantum systems that occur in nature, from harmonic oscillators to atoms and molecules, photons, and quantum fields.
6) Quantum Physics (NPTEL)
The course covers lessons in Introduction to Quantum Physics; Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, Introduction to linear vector spaces, Characteristics of linear vector spaces, Functions in a linear vector space, Schrodinger equation, Hermite polynomials, Eigenvalues Eigenstates of the Hamiltonian, The energy of the vacuum, Perturbation theory.
7) Introduction to Quantum Mechanics (NPTEL)
The focus of the course is going to be the ideas behind quantum mechanics and its application to simple systems. The course is taught along the lines of development of quantum mechanics so that students get a good feeling about the subject.
8) Quantum Mechanics and Applications (NPTEL)
Basic mathematical preliminaries: Dirac Delta function and Fourier Transforms, etc. One-dimensional problems: Potential well of infinite and finite depths, etc. Three-dimensional Schrodinger equation. Perturbation Theory with applications.
9) Quantum Mechanics (University of Oxford)
Prof. James Binney explains how probabilities are obtained from quantum amplitudes, why they give rise to quantum interference, the concept of a complete set of amplitudes and how this defines a "quantum state".
10) Quantum Mechanics (UC Berkeley)
This course deals with topics in quantum mechanics: basic assumptions of quantum mechanics; quantum theory of measurement; matrix mechanics; Schroedinger theory; symmetry and invariance principles; theory of angular momentum; stationary state problems; variational principles; time independent perturbation theory; time dependent perturbation theory; theory of scattering.
11) Quantum Entanglement (Stanford Univ.)
Entanglement not only replaces the obsolete notion of the collapse of the wave function but it is also the basis for Bell's famous theorem, the new paradigm of quantum computing.
12) Group Theory in Quantum Mechanics
The course utilizes the principles and applications of symmetry analysis to better understand the behavior and spectroscopy of atomic and molecular systems, using symmetry, group representation theory, and Fourier analysis.
13) Quantum Field Theory
This course is intended for theorists with familiarity with advanced quantum mechanics and statistical physics. The main objective is to introduce the building blocks of quantum electrodynamics.
14) Advanced Quantum Theory
This course is intended for theorists with familiarity with basic textbook single-particle quantum mechanics. The main objective is to understand how to study many interacting particles within QM. We will cover second quantisation, scattering theory, and some elementary relativistic quantum mechanics.
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